American Heritage Girls is a Christian based program whose mission is “building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.”
Service is an important part of being an AHG girl. Service projects include a Veterans Day Breakfast, supporting our local food shelf, cleaning the church on Palm Sunday, washing church windows, greeting, and helping in classes at church.
Since June of 2022, the AHG girls have given back over 1,500 hours to our community and church. Badges we work on are Camping, Cake Decorating, Aviation, Physical Fitness, Outdoor Skills, Our Flag, Money Management, Rock Climbing, Home Decorating, and many more!
We learn about our Catholic Faith with the Faith Awards Book, completing badges on the Saints and Mary and visits from Sisters from the Twin Cities.
For more information, contact Jena Kolles at 763-777-8602.
Our Troop (MN2206) has been very blessed to be chartered by the Church of Saint Paul.
Catholic Identity